Auto config test
Environment: production
Correct values listed below:
- This should be shown on henfield.local and localhoststaging
- This should be shown on development and staging environmentsproduction
- This should be shown on the production site
Site manager host:
Correct values listed below:
- This should be shown on henfield.local and
- This should be shown on development and staging environments81.92.193.140
- This should be shown on the production site
Site manager connection (USE_MYSQLI: true): successful
- A connection to the site manager database was successfully establishedfailed
- A connection to the site manager database could not be established. This could be due to either a IP whitelist issue, or the database server being inaccessible. The error message is appended for debug purposes.
Site manager subtest (creation new quote ID): successful
- The henfield_new_site_manager_id() function successfully completedfailed
- There was an issue running the henfield_new_site_manager_id() function. This can indicate that the range of possible quote IDs have been used up in henfield_new_site_manager_id()
Space manager connection: successful
Correct values listed below:
- A connection to the spaces manager was successfully establishedfailed
- A connection to the space manager could not be established. This could be due to either a IP whitelist issue, or the database server being inaccessible.
Cron status: Disabled
Correct values listed below:
- This should be shown on henfield.local & localhostdisabled
- This should be shown on the develop, staging and production sites
GTM Present: Yes
Success | GTM-NBPPKJB |
Success | G-L8F1TEBL52 |
This test will scan the production
site (regardless of test environment) to check if GTM is present. It should always return yes